PingPong Statut

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This is the status page of PingPong service. Here you can see how the service is performing.

We continuously monitor the status of PingPong and all its related services to ensure a stable service. If there are any interruptions to our service we will post updates here.

Incidents précédents

Jui, 2021
Mai, 2021
Avr, 2021
  1. Jui, 2021

    Tous les services sont opérationnels.

  2. Mai, 2021

    Tous les services sont opérationnels.

  3. Avr, 2021

    1. Metric graphs not showing dataClient areaStatus pages
      A débuté:
      The metric graphs are not showing any data for day timespan. Our team is investigating. The workers are operational, only the graphs are missing data. Custom metrics are not affected.


      Our team found an issue in the latest version of metric processing. It seems to affect timespans week and month, after April 18. A hotfix is underway.

      En vérification:

      Monitoring released hotfix. Metric graphs are now showing data and have been back-filled with the previously missing data.


      The hotfix resolved the issue.